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Ответы зачёта по английскому языку (КТЭиУ)

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артикул 0013549


1) Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
She has been waiting … the bus for two hours.
A) up
B) for
C) on
2) Найдите антоним к предлогу: «In»
A) with
B) between
C) out
3) Выберите правильный вариант предлога: Will you meet me … the airport ?
A) at
B) in
C) under
4) Выберите правильный вариант предлога: The lesson starts … five minutes. Hurry…
A) at/on
B) in/up
C) after/for
5) Выберите правильный вариант предлога: Lets go to the cinema … Sunday
A) on
B) at
C) in
6) Употребите нужную форму глагола to be
There … not much furniture is this room.
A) is
B) are
C) am
7) Употребите нужную форму глагола to be
Where … the money? I put it into the drawer.
A) are
B) is
C) was
8) Употребите нужную форму глагола to be
Mathematics … his favorite subject.
A) is
B) are
C) was
9) Употребите нужную форму глагола to be
Women … always right.
A) are
B) is
C) was
1 0) Употребите нужную форму глагола to be
My teeth … not white, I’m afraid.
A) are
B) is
C) was
1 1) Подберите нужную форму смыслового глагола
Anna and Kate to the cinema
last Sunday.
A) didn’t went
B) don’t go
C) didn’t go
1 2) Подберите нужную форму смыслового глагола When you last tennis?
A) did/play
B) do/play
C) did/played
1 3) Употребите нужную форму сравнения прилагательного
This restaurant is very, very good. It’s restaurant in London.
A) the better
B) the good
C) the best
14) ) Употребите нужную форму сравнения прилагательного
Vienna is city in A и stria.
A) the most beautiful
B) the beautiful lest
C) more beautiful than
15) Составьте вопрос в Present Perfect
you ever Mexican food?
A) Have / eat
B) Have / ate
C) Have / eaten
1 6) Выберите тот вариант ответа, который считаете правильным.
/ don 7 know these girls. Do you know ?
A) them
B) they
C) their
1 7) Выберите тот вариант ответа, который считаете правильным.
/ don 7 know this woman. Do you know ?
A) her
B) she
C) him
1 8) . Выберите тот вариант ответа, который считаете правильным.
invited her to stay with us in our house.
A) us
B) our
C) we
1 9) Выберите английские эквиваленты для предложений:
Как поживают ваши родители?
A) Are your parents well?
B) Where are your parents?
C) How are your parents?
20) Выберите английские эквиваленты для предложений:
Сколько ле т вашей до черн ?
A) How old is your daughter?
B) How is your daughter?
C) How many daughters have you?
21) ) Выберите правильное местоимение:
/ like that camera. / am going to buy
A) her
B) it
C) its
22) Исключите «лишнее» слово :
A) Softwear
B) hardwear
C) warm wear
23) Назовите глагол to see в Past Simple:
A) see
B) saw
C) sees
24) Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
(Где) is your computer?
A) Why?
B) Where?
C) What?
25) Выберите синоним к слову Large
A) big
B) small
C) little
26) Выберите антоним к слову Good
A) nice
B) bad
C) big
27) Выберите вспомогательный глагол в предложении:
What are you doing?-1… reading a book.
A) was
B) shall
C) am
28) Какой вспомогательный глагол нужен в вопросительном предложении:
/ like skiing in the forest.
A) do
B) does
C) has
29) Выберите английские эквиваленты для слова, стоящего в скобках:
The meeting (началось) at 5 о ‘dock.
A) begin
B) began
C) was beginning
30) Выберите русские эквиваленты:
Му room is larger then your flat.
A) Моя комната такая же большая, как ваша квартира.
B) Моя комната больше, чем ваша квартира.
C) Ваша квартира больше моей комнаты.
3 1) С каким словом может сочетаться слово air
A) Fresh
B) Green
C) big
32) Назовите глагол to соте в Past Simple:
A) comes
B) came
C) come
33) Выберите 2-ю форму глагола to take
A) taken
B) took
C) taking
34) Выберите глагол-связку или вспомогательный глагол:
… you speak English?
A) does
B) are
C) do
35) Назовите глагол to до в Past Simple:
A) went
B) gone
C) goes
36) Выберите модальные глаголы:
/am sorry. /am late. … /come in?
A) must
B) can
C) may



1. Life in a big city / life in the country, 2. Modern and old life – quietness/ more opportunities, 3. Men withstand age better than women and remain attractive longer, 4. “Man is born for happiness” / “The only one is worthy for happiness and freedom, who struggles for them every day”, 5. Family is the most important thing in life., 6. Only talented people can achieve success / hard work compensates for the lack of talent, 7. Money — happiness and joy / a source of trouble, 8. Money – the only way to success, 9. Families with 1 child (nuclear family) / life in a big (extended) family, 10. Cloning experiments, 11. Freedom of press – achievements of democracy / journalistic mistakes, 12. Holiday celebrations — enjoyment / just a day-off, 13. Preparing for holidays is more fun than celebrating them., 14. The best holidays are those which have got special traditions of celebration, 15. A person can have only 1 true friend, 16. Life – long friendship exists only in films., 17. Sending to prison – the only way of punishment, 18. Death penalty – an appropriate punishment for murderers, 19. Appearances are deceitful, 20. Coins and paper money / credit and bank cards, 21. Famous pop and sports stars earn too much money., 22. A popular actor’s life is always fun., 23. Honesty is the best policy., 24. The best things in life are free., 25. Modern teens – awful / criticized for no reason, 26. Being young – fun and entertainment / not easy, 27. Childhood is the safest period of human life., 28. In Europe children begin an independent life at 18…, 29. Part-time jobs for teens, 30. Pocket money – teaches to be responsible / parents should buy everything, 31. Giving extra pocket money for good marks, 32. Young people are not as healthy as 50 years ago, 33. Youth contacts / students’ exchange programs, 34. Subcultures, 35. It is easier to make friends than to keep them., 36. Friendship /love is the most important thing in life.