Цена снижена

Реферат по английскому языку (КТЭиУ)

Первоначальная цена составляла 2,000₽.Текущая цена: 1,500₽.

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Темы рефератов:
1. London
2. Museums and Art Galleries in London
3. Press in the United Kingdom
4. Education in Great Britain
5. Holidays and celebrations in the UK
6. Thomas Gainsborough
7. Customs and Traditions in the UK
8. National Gallery
9. An event from the history of Great Britain
10. William Shakespeare
11. Charles Dickens
12. William Maugham
13. Historical places of London
14. Isaac Newton
15. Michael Faraday
16. English-speaking countries
17. English meals
18. The Queen of Great Britain
19. The history Of “Union Jack”
20. Peter the Great
21. Historical places of Moscow — можно купить готовый реферат (дешевле)
22. K. E. Tsiolkovsky
23. I.P.Pavlov
24. H.Ford
25. Catherin II
26. Daniel Defoe
27. The most famous artists of Great Britain
28. Joseph Turner
29. The Beatles — можно купить готовый реферат (дешевле и быстрее)
30. Margaret Thatcher



1. London, 2. Museums and Art Galleries in London, 3. Press in the United Kingdom, 4. Education in Great Britain, 5. Holidays and celebrations in the UK, 6. Thomas Gainsborough, 7. Customs and Traditions in the UK, 8. National Gallery, 9. An event from the history of Great Britain, 10. William Shakespeare, 11. Charles Dickens, 12. William Maugham, 13. Historical places of London, 14. Isaac Newton, 15. Michael Faraday, 16. English-speaking countries, 17. English meals, 18. The Queen of Great Britain, 19. The history Of “Union Jack”, 20. Peter the Great, 21. Historical places of Moscow, 22. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, 23. I.P.Pavlov, 24. H.Ford, 25. Catherin II, 26. Daniel Defoe, 27. The most famous artists of Great Britain, 28. Joseph Turner, 29. The Beatles, 30. Margaret Thatcher