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Английский язык Текст 2. TEXT CAREERS IN TOURISM

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Like most service industries, tourism is labour-intensive; that is, it employs a high proportion of people in comparison to the number that it serves. The range of jobs is also very wide, from unskilled, like a dish washer in a restaurant, to semi-skilled, like a waiter or a chambermaid, to skilled, like a travel agent or a tour operator. In addition, tourism generates many jobs that are not usually considered to be within the industry itself—jobs in construction, manufacturing, and merchandising.

A majority of the jobs in tourism have one common feature: contact with the public including both the positive and negative aspects of dealing with ordinary human beings. Anyone who has chosen a career in tourism should enjoy working with people and be tolerant, especially since the irritations of travel can bring out the worst qualities in some people.

In many jobs in which it is necessary to deal with the public, language skill is necessary or desirable. People who hold jobs of this kind include travel agency employees, ticket and reservations agents, airline flight personnel, front-desk employees in hotels, tour conductors or guides, waiters, barmen and so forth. (The degree of language skill may vary from using special terms in catering service jobs to speaking fluently among travel agents and tour guides. The degree of language skill may vary according to the location of the job.

The tourist industry differs from many others as it employs more women than other kinds of business. Indeed, women are found at all levels. Many successful travel agents are women who have established independent enterprises after gaining experience elsewhere in the industry. There are many different ways to acquire the necessary experience. Some agents begin as clerical workers or secretaries in travel agencies or in transportation companies. Particular jobs that provide useful knowledge include those of ticket agent and reservations agent for the airlines.

In addition to dealing with the public, the travel agent must deal with people who work for the other components in the industry. One of the most important aspects of the job is keeping informed about the highlycomplex pricing policies of airlines and the resort hotels

The people who write about travelalso receive lavish treatment from the tourist industry. There are relatively few travel writers, but they fill an important place in publicizing the industry. Some of them work full-time for magazines or newspapers. Others are free-lancers: they work for themselves and sell their articles to any publication that is interested in them. There is also a small industry involved in writing and publishing travel guidebooks.

The tour operators work much more within the framework of ordinary, corporate practice than the small retail agencies do. Companies like Cook and American Express employ people in nearly all phases of tourism, ranging from the jobs that would be found in a retail travel agency to those that deal with package tours or establishing overall policy for the companies. They also employ a large staff to work on advertising and publicity.

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Official and semi-official tourist bureaus also employ many people who perform different kinds of work. Some of the jobs are related to promotion which is extremely important to the whole industry. Others are involved with research, such as gathering travel statistics and trying to work out systems that increase their accuracy. Others are concerned with planning and development of existing facilities.

Consulting firms also play a part in the tourist industry. A consultant offers the expertise he has acquired through study and experience to individual clients on a fee basis. In tourism, consultants are called in to give advice to government tourist bureaus or private developers.

Perhaps the most distinctive and difficult job in the entire industry belongs to the tour guide or conductor.

The term guide is used for one in charge of local sightseeing and «conductor» is the one accompanying a group throughout its travels and making all the arrangements for the group.

The sightseeing guide must be familiar with the points of interest that he is showing to the visitors. He usually gives a prepared talk that describes the points of interest, but he must also be prepared to answer a lot of questions. And he has to deal with any problems that occur during the tour or excursion, such as bad weather, sudden illness, an accident. A sightseeing guide needs two qualities above all — an outgoing personality and language skill.

The conductor, or the guide who stays with a group throughout its trip needs the same two qualities. He also needs to have a thorough knowledge of all the regulations and red tape that the tourists will meet when going from one country to another. These are the aspects of travel that are likely to cause the most problems and create the most irritation when they go wrong: handling the luggage of the group, easing them through government formalities, making sure they get the kind of accommodations, food and entertainment they have paid for. Another distinctive job in tourism is that of a social director. Many resort hotels and nearly all cruise ships employ a person who is in charge of the activities that are supposed to entertain and amuse the customers. The social director not only has to organize these activities, he must also involve the willing and the reluctant guests in the fun and games. A good social director should really enjoy the games and parties that are planned for the guests.

In addition to social directors, resorts employ people to supervise activities in which the resorts specialize — golf and tennis pros, or swimming, skiing and scuba diving instructors.

There are many facilities for training in the tourist industry. Many hotel companies, airlines have training programmes and courses for people who will fill both skilled and semi-skilled positions.

Tourism is an industry that is still growing rapidly. It provides people with a variety of occupations that require different kinds of skills. No matter what aspect of the industry one may work in, the final result of the effort should be a satisfied customer who remembers his trip and his holiday with pleasure.


1. Labour-intensive трудоемкий, создающий большое количество рабочих мест
2. In comparison to


посравнениюс; syn. as compared with
3. Skilled




квалифицированный; skilledjob/ unskilledjob/ semi-skilledjobквалифицированный труд / неквалифицированный труд / мало квалифицированный труд
4. Chambermaid горничная в гостинице
5. To generate


порождать, производить,
6. Tolerant


терпимый; syn. patient терпеливый
7. To contact with


соприкасатьсяс, работатьс;

syn. to work with, to communicate with

8.To deal with the public


работатьслюдьми; syn. to work with the public
9. To hold a job



иметьпрофессию, заниматьдолжность; syn. to have a position,
to work as
10. Toemploy



нанимать на работу,
предоставлять работу;
employerпредприниматель, работодатель; employeeслужащий, работающий по найму; travelagencyemployee / front-deskemployee) служащий тур агентства; employableтрудоспособный
11. Agent


агент; ticketagent/ reservationagentагент по продаже билетов/ агент по резервированию
12. Guide



гид; tourguide/ sightseeingguide

руководитель тура / экскурсовод

руководитель; synconductor



13. Personnel



персонал, личный состав, кадры штат сотрудников; syn. staff;
personnelmanagementруководство кадрами
14. To gain experience


1) приобрести опыт по данной специальности;

2) компетенция; знание дела; syn .expertise

15. To acquire



приобретать, достигать чего-либо, овладевать какими-либо навыками; toacquireknowledge
16. Treatment


вознаграждение; syn.fee; lavishtreatmentщедрое вознаграждение
17. Free-lancers



журналист не связанный с определенной редакцией; syn.toworkforthemselves
18. Package tour готовый (комплексный) тур
19. To establish


устанавливать; toestablishoverallpolicyустанавливать генеральную политику
20. To perform the work


выполнитьработу; syn. to do the work, to carry out the work, to fulfill the work, to execute the work, to accomplish the work
21.To relate (to, with)


устанавливать связь, определять соотношение
22. Promotion продвижение
23. To be involved with быть вовлеченным в
24. To gather


собирать;to gather statisticsсобирать данные
25. To work out


вырабатывать; toworkoutsystem

выработать систему

26. To increase


увеличивать; toincreasetheaccuracyувеличивать точность данных
27. To be concerned with smth.


касаться, иметь отношение; tobeconcernedwithplanningиметь отношение к планированию
28. Facilities




оборудование, приспособление, возможности, благоприятные условия; existingfacilitiesсуществующие возможности
29. To be in charge of smth.


отвечать за что-либо, руково-дить; syn.toberesponsiblefor
30. Reluctant


делающий что-либо с неохотой, вынужденный что-либо делать
31. To supervise наблюдать, руководить
32. To keep up with



следить за новейшими достижениями, не отставать от современных тенденций
33. A fee


плата, гонорар, вознаграждение;onafeebasisна платной основе
34. To accompany a group сопровождать группу
35.A rack


стеллажи, полки, стойки; a rack of brochures стеллажисброшюрами
36. Wholesaler оптовый торговец
37. One-stop convenience все виды услуг в одном месте
38. Inducements побуждение, побуждающий мотив
39. To handle reservations забронировать
40. To be equipped with быть оснащенным чем-либо
41. To permit



позволять, давать возможность, разрешать; syn. toallow;  topermitaccesstosmth.

разрешить доступ к чему-либо

42. The pleasures and pains радости и неприятности
43.To please the customer доставлять удовольствие клиенту
44. The bargain сделка, выгодная покупка
45. Information



reliableinformationточная информация, надежная информация

46. To be alert быть бдительным
47. Tour guide


гидэкскурсовод; syn. leader, manager, director or (US only) escort
48. Image


имидж; toprojecttheimageсоставлять имидж, делать имидж
49.To provide commentary обеспечить комментарием, необходимым материалом
50. To reconfirm


подтвердитьзаново; to reconfirm accommodation/ to reconfirm activity arrangements
51.To sort out the problems


улаживать, утрясатьпроблемы; syn. to solve the problem


52. An order


задача, порядок, ордер, заказ; syn. task; a tall order труднаязадача; syn. a difficult task
53. The career ladder карьерная лестница


(1) to make/have contact with, (2) to deal with, (3) to hold a job, (4) travel agency employee, (5) ticket agent, (6) tour guide, (7) personnel management, (8) to work out a system, (9) to gather statistics, (10) to increase the accuracy, (11) to be concerned with planning, (12) one –stop convenience.

Ex. 2.  Подберите по смыслу слова из 1 колонки ко 2:


language                                           bureau

to choose                                          statistics

to deal with                                       firms

tourist                                                a career

travel                                                 public

consulting                                          guide


Ex.3. Найдите ответы в тексте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Why is tourism labour-intensive?
  2. What is the range of jobs in tourism?
  3. What common feature do a majority of the jobs in tourism have?
  4. What personal characteristics should a specialist in tourism have?
  5. Is language skill necessary or desirable?
  6. People in what professions should know the foreign language?
  7. In what way does the tourist industry differ from many others?
  8. Describe different ways to acquire the necessary experience?
  9. Describe the duties of the travel agent.
  10. How do tour operators work?
  11. What are official and semi-official tourist bureaus busy with?
  12. Why are consultants called in?
  13. Who does the most distinctive and difficult job in the entire industry belong to?
  14. What does the sightseeing guide do?